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Featured image Pak James Riady

Our highest priority... is ultimately to bring glory to God the Father and God the Son, through our educational enterprise.

Dr. (HC). James T. Riady

Over the past 18 months, we have witnessed nothing less than God’s blessing over the Pelita Harapan Foundation’s ministry. Through the pandemic, God has allowed our Foundation to emerge with more grit and determination to pursue our vision and mission to serve the next generation of Indonesian youth with holistic, Christ-centered education that is focused on developing graduates who embody True Knowledge, Faith in Christ, and Godly Character.

I have never witnessed greater dedication from teachers and parents than in such a time like this. We can see greater collaboration between all parts – teachers with teachers, teachers with parents, parents among parents, and all with students. They are dedicated for the spiritual growth, discipleship and character formation of our students, ensuring that each child continues to be molded in head, heart and hand for the Lord.

We are grateful that technology has enabled us to continue to pursue academic excellence. This was demonstrated was through the excellent IB Diploma results in May of 2021. Students continue to be accepted into top universities. And as a result of this hard work, we have witnessed our total student numbers continue to grow.

While we look forward to a time when the school community can be reunited in-person, we are reminded that the Lord is with us through all seasons of life. May we continue to honor the Lord’s name through the work and ministry of the Pelita Harapan Foundation. This is our calling, found where God’s gifting and God-given opportunities meet. What a privilege it is for us to respond to His calling through education. We invite you to pray with us and for us – that we would be faithful, strong, and bold in all the pathways which God places before us.

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